PDO drivers - install

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Registriert: 9. Aug 2017, 04:07

PDO drivers - install

Beitrag von cschwab »

Hi there. I'm a new user. Trying to get this to work, at least for now, on a linux box. I'm working with Ubuntu 14.04 and have Apache, PHP, and MySQL all up and running. I finally got through the installation of admidio and, on the last step, I got...
Installation of version 3.2.10

The connection to the database failed!

The following error occurred:
PDO does not support any drivers.
If I try to naviate to localhost/ (admidio is the only thing I'm running on apache right now, so it is in the "root" www directory), I get a simple text message:
PDO does not support any drivers.
[/quote]I'm not sure what PDO is or how to fix this. Any ideas?
Beiträge: 6182
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: PDO drivers - install

Beitrag von fasse »

Your PHP Installation has no PDO driver installed. You Must install MySQL or PostgreSQL driver.
Beiträge: 1148
Registriert: 12. Jul 2015, 13:21
Wohnort: Austria

Re: PDO drivers - install

Beitrag von XimeX »
