Slow Connection

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Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 22. Mai 2017, 19:30

Slow Connection

Beitrag von fredsfollies »

I have recently installed the script with no problems but since the first time I logged in as the admin, it is taking way too long to connect to the link. As an example, I just clicked on the preferences link and it has been over 5 minutes where it is trying to open the preferences page. Is this something to do with my webhost (shared) or some setting that I need to tweak within the program? I am running many scripts on this host with no problems so I am wondering what the problem could be. I am getting the following error message in my cgi errors log:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: /hermes/bosnaweb06a/b1997/ipw.domain/memberalumni/adm_program/languages in /hermes/bosnaweb06a/b1997/ipw.domain/memberalumni/adm_program/system/classes/language.php on line 311

This is the content of line 311 in language.php file.

Code: Alles auswählen

if($objectArray[$languagePath] instanceof \SimpleXMLElement)

UPDATE: I uploaded this same version (3.2.9) to another domain on the same webhost and it now seems to be working. Have no idea why, but at this point I am able to log in as the admin and make changes without having to wait forever.