Delete former user from list?

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Beiträge: 24
Registriert: 13. Apr 2019, 08:34

Delete former user from list?

Beitrag von DanWestlake »

I have a single person role for the President of the Corporation. I gave them the ability to approve Registrations. The person the approved was to manage New Registrations so they assigned them to the President role.

I created a new role for the member called Membership Management. I then removed them from the President role and assigned them to the Membership Management one. The problem is in the list they now show as a former member of the President role. This is a new company with only the current President so it could be confusing for people to see the member that has never been the President listed as a former member.

There doesn't appear to be a way to delete the user from the list as a former member.

I thought about deleting them through phpMyAdmin but I couldn't find a way to that.

My other solution was to rename the President role to Bad Role, create a new President role. Assign the President to that role and then delete the Bad Role. Is that the only solution or is there a way to delete the former member from the list that I'm not seeing?

Thank you,
Ontario, Canada
Beiträge: 6185
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Delete former user from list?

Beitrag von fasse »

Hi Dan,

you can go to the profile of that member. There the former roles will also be shown.

Now just click the X after the former role membership and it will be deleted.

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: 13. Apr 2019, 08:34

Re: Delete former user from list?

Beitrag von DanWestlake »

Hi Fasse,

For the user under "Former role memberships" when I click the X to delete it the message pops up; "Would you like to move back role President to current roles?" I do NOT want him to be moved back to the President role. I'm trying to remove him from the list for President where it shows him as a former member. This member / user has never been the President of the corporation.

Screenshot_2019-12-04 London Senior Hockey - Profile of Phil Rody.png
Screenshot_2019-12-04 London Senior Hockey - Profile of Phil Rody.png (18.09 KiB) 6378 mal betrachtet
Ontario, Canada
Beiträge: 6185
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Delete former user from list?

Beitrag von fasse »

Hi Dan,

here you find the wrong text. Just click ok and the role is gone.

We will fix this.

Beiträge: 24
Registriert: 13. Apr 2019, 08:34

Re: Delete former user from list?

Beitrag von DanWestlake »

Hi Fasse,

Thank you. Worked perfectly.

Kind regards,
Ontario, Canada