Text for images

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Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 26. Dez 2016, 15:19

Text for images

Beitrag von Schwartz »

In the photo album it is not possible to have a text for an image. I know this is because there is no information of the image in the database.

But what about letting the system read the EXIF data for the image.
It could just be the title for the image. A user can easily "edit" this information in the File-manager on the PC.
This is one of the EXIF-fields that is open for editing.

Then when hovering the image, the text could be shown. When the image is viewed, then the text could be shown beneath the image.

This should require no change in database - just some code that reads the data for the image when a folder is processed.

Kind regards

Beiträge: 6194
Registriert: 12. Nov 2005, 16:06

Re: Text for images

Beitrag von fasse »

That sounds like a good solution.

There is also a lib for Javascript to read the exif data: https://github.com/exif-js/exif-js