Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top Sitemap This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces. de en 2.0 entwickler Installing changes to the database How Admidio's Changelog Works and Instructions for Implementations Changes to functions and methods Database Access Class Set up a developement environment How to make your plugin translatable Developer Area Integrate JavaScript-Editor Make your plugin compatible to Admidio 4 Make your plugin compatible to Admidio 5 Multilingualism Message class for note texts Navigation across multiple pages Install new organizational settings Settings PHP-Settings for developement environment Coding Guidelines Sessionhandling Developer area Sourcecode-Documentation SQL-Injection What methods are available? Set up a test environment Checking of passed variables Translation Publish new Version Where and how can I help? plugins Plugins und Themes playground wiki en/entwickler/uebersetzen.txt Last modified: 2023/07/16 10:51by fasse