Table of Contents

Change history for themes in version 3.3

This page lists all changes in the Theme folder inside the Version 3.3. If you update to a new version, you have to update all the changes from your previous version to your new version of Admidio, otherwise it may cause display problems.

The changes shown here always refer to both of our standard themes. Did you make changes in the defaut tehme, you have to consider when assigning these adjustments. This can, for example, be the case with colors.

If you have previously used an older Admidio version than the 3.2, please have a look at our previous history of changes.

Version 3.3.0

When updating from version 3.2.0 or later, the following files need to be adjusted in the Theme folder.
(If you have not made changes, you can also upload the entire folders and just only adjust the CSS folder manually)

Changes within the modern theme

Add block in css/admidio.css
html {
    min-height: 100%;
#profile_authorizations_box_body div {
    margin-bottom: 5px;

Change the menu to the database

With version 3.3, the menu is no longer statically assembled in the file my_body_bottom.php . It's stored in the database and will be created out of it. In order for this to work for you, you have to adjust the my_body_bottom.php for an update to version 3.3 or newer.

You have the following 3 possibilities:

  1. If you have not made any adjustments in our standard theme, you can simply replace the theme folder adm_themes during the update.
  2. Have you made adjustments in the theme, but not in the file my_body_bottom.php , then just replace this file.
  3. If you have the file my_body_bottom.php adapted to your needs, you have to do some changes in the code.
    To do so, please remove the following code:
                   <div id="plugin_menu" class="admidio-plugin-content">
                        // Module Menu
                        $moduleMenu = new Menu('modules', $gL10n->get('SYS_MODULES'));
                        $moduleMenu->addItem('overview', '/adm_program/index.php',
                                             $gL10n->get('SYS_OVERVIEW'), '/icons/home.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_announcements_module'] == 1
                        || ($gPreferences['enable_announcements_module'] == 2 && $gValidLogin))
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('announcements', FOLDER_MODULES . '/announcements/announcements.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('ANN_ANNOUNCEMENTS'), '/icons/announcements.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_download_module'] == 1)
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('download', FOLDER_MODULES . '/downloads/downloads.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('DOW_DOWNLOADS'), '/icons/download.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_mail_module'] == 1 && !$gValidLogin)
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('email', FOLDER_MODULES . '/messages/messages_write.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('SYS_EMAIL'), '/icons/email.png');
                        if(($gPreferences['enable_pm_module'] == 1 || $gPreferences['enable_mail_module'] == 1) && $gValidLogin)
                            $unreadBadge = '';
                            // get number of unread messages for user
                            $message = new TableMessage($gDb);
                            $unread = $message->countUnreadMessageRecords($gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_id'));
                            if($unread > 0)
                                $unreadBadge = '<span class="badge">' . $unread . '</span>';
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('private_message', FOLDER_MODULES . '/messages/messages.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('SYS_MESSAGES') . $unreadBadge, '/icons/messages.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_photo_module'] == 1
                        || ($gPreferences['enable_photo_module'] == 2 && $gValidLogin))
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('photo', FOLDER_MODULES . '/photos/photos.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('PHO_PHOTOS'), '/icons/photo.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_guestbook_module'] == 1
                        || ($gPreferences['enable_guestbook_module'] == 2 && $gValidLogin))
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('guestbk', FOLDER_MODULES . '/guestbook/guestbook.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('GBO_GUESTBOOK'), '/icons/guestbook.png');
                        $moduleMenu->addItem('lists', FOLDER_MODULES . '/lists/lists.php',
                                             $gL10n->get('LST_LISTS'), '/icons/lists.png');
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('mylist', FOLDER_MODULES . '/lists/mylist.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('LST_MY_LIST'), '/icons/mylist.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 1
                        || ($gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 2 && $gValidLogin))
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('dates', FOLDER_MODULES . '/dates/dates.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('DAT_DATES'), '/icons/dates.png');
                        if($gPreferences['enable_weblinks_module'] == 1
                        || ($gPreferences['enable_weblinks_module'] == 2 && $gValidLogin))
                            $moduleMenu->addItem('links', FOLDER_MODULES . '/links/links.php',
                                                 $gL10n->get('LNK_WEBLINKS'), '/icons/weblinks.png');
                        echo $moduleMenu->show();
                        // Administration Menu
                        if($gCurrentUser->approveUsers() || $gCurrentUser->editUsers()
                        || $gCurrentUser->manageRoles()  || $gCurrentUser->isAdministrator())
                            $adminMenu = new Menu('administration', $gL10n->get('SYS_ADMINISTRATION'));
                            if($gCurrentUser->approveUsers() && $gPreferences['registration_mode'] > 0)
                                $adminMenu->addItem('newreg', FOLDER_MODULES . '/registration/registration.php',
                                                    $gL10n->get('NWU_NEW_REGISTRATIONS'), '/icons/new_registrations.png');
                                $adminMenu->addItem('usrmgt', FOLDER_MODULES . '/members/members.php',
                                                    $gL10n->get('MEM_USER_MANAGEMENT'), '/icons/user_administration.png');
                                $adminMenu->addItem('roladm', FOLDER_MODULES . '/roles/roles.php',
                                                    $gL10n->get('ROL_ROLE_ADMINISTRATION'), '/icons/roles.png');
                                $adminMenu->addItem('dbback', FOLDER_MODULES . '/backup/backup.php',
                                                    $gL10n->get('BAC_DATABASE_BACKUP'), '/icons/backup.png');
                                $adminMenu->addItem('orgprop', FOLDER_MODULES . '/preferences/preferences.php',
                                                    $gL10n->get('SYS_SETTINGS'), '/icons/options.png');
                            echo $adminMenu->show();
    </div><!-- closes "div#plugin_menu" -->

    Now add after the following line of code:

    require(ADMIDIO_PATH . FOLDER_PLUGINS . '/login_form/login_form.php');

    these lines of code:

    // create html page object and display Menu
    $page = new HtmlPage();
    echo $page->showMainMenu(false);

Now the sidebar should always show the menu you configured in Admidio.